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Ptosis (pronounced toe.sis) is a droopy eyelid or eyelids. It can occur both in children and adults. It can affect one eyelid or both eyelids. It causes a tired or sleepy appearance and can if severe enough affect ones vision and ability to read. It can frequently be improved with minor eyelid surgery done under local anaesthetic in a day surgery suite and the patient discharged home shortly after. This allows recovery at home. Surgery can be done painlessly under local anaesthetic in adults.  

The most common cause of ptosis is age related (meaning as we get older) and can therefore co-exist with cataracts (which is also age related). Both contributing to visual impairment. Fortunately we can assess and treat both of these conditions at the Oculoplastic and Cataract Centre. Why not give us a call if you are having vision problems. Tel 319 3937

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Call to schedule a consultation!
319-3937 (EYES)
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